
廬山棕旋蛾(Dichomeris lushanae)是旋蛾科/麥蛾科(Gelechiidae)棕旋蛾亞科(Dichomeridinae)lushanae種群的成員。本種的前翅為褐色底,中室有兩枚黑斑,較靠中室頂端的黑斑較長;後翅為灰白色,無其他翅紋。棕旋蛾屬的介紹請參考本站物種說明─Dichomeris bucinaria藍紋棕麥蛾。Park & Hodges在1995年的研究裡一共檢視了7份各地的廬山棕旋蛾標本,牠們分別來自臺北松山(正模)、新竹觀霧、南投廬山、蓮華池、梅峰、臺南關仔嶺與高雄chiahsien。

A Brief Introduction:
Dichomeris lushanae represents one of the 32 Dichomeris species in Taiwan and shares similar wing pattern with D. loxospila: relatively simple wing pattern with brownish ground colour and two dark spots on forewing. The former species could be distinguished from the later by a longer dark spot on the tip of cell. This wing pattern is also shared by some species of Lecithocera (Lecithoceridae), and scales on labial palpa are a useful charater to identify them.
創用CC條款創用CC 姓名標示-非商業性 4.0台灣(CC BY-NC 4.0 TW)創用CC 姓名標示-非商業性 4.0台灣(CC BY-NC 4.0 TW) 作者:施禮正 資料提供 臺灣蛾訊 MOTHS of Taiwan 上次更新 2013-07-24