
三角斑褐蠶蛾(Trilocha varians)是蠶蛾科 (Bombycidae)的成員。本種的前翅寬圓,底色為黃褐色,中室頂端有一枚黑色圓 斑(有些個體此圓斑中空),外中線為黑色,波浪狀,外緣近頂角處有一塊黑褐色三角斑;後翅寬圓,亦為黃褐色底,內緣摺疊凹入,黑白相間。
A Brief Introduction
Trilocha varians represents the type species of Trilocha and the only member in Taiwan. Although here is not allied species, this species shares similar wing pattern with Triuncina brunnea but could be identified from the latter by smaller size and straight inner margin of hindwing.

創用CC條款創用CC 姓名標示-非商業性 4.0台灣(CC BY-NC 4.0 TW)創用CC 姓名標示-非商業性 4.0台灣(CC BY-NC 4.0 TW) 作者:施禮正 資料提供 臺灣蛾訊 MOTHS of Taiwan 上次更新 2013-06-13